an independent ㅤd&d oc, ㅤwritten by ㅤWoody. Low activity, mutual exclusive. ㅤheavily homebrew inspired.


code of conduct

01.ㅤ| ㅤintro : ㅤThis is an indie, selective, and mutuals only rp blog for my dungeons and dragons oc, Ilbryn Castonnamo. the mun is woody (he/they) 26 and uk based.02.ㅤ| ㅤactivity : will be very spotty. I am a masters student with a semi active social life, hobbies, and hopefully also a part time job soon. please don't push me for replies, we're all here for fun03.ㅤ| ㅤinteracting : ㅤI much prefer pre-established relationships or at the very least a pre-plotted introduction thread. I find that without plotting, intro threads can become dull and fizzle out quickly. feel free to hit me up for plotting here on tumblr, at which point I will probably give you my discord because I'm terrible at answering my dms here. memes are also a good way to get things off the ground.

04.ㅤ| ㅤshipping : ㅤI generally prefer a decent bit of ooc communication before any shipping occurs, it makes things easier for both parties and helps set boundries. with that in mind, ilbryn is gay, so m/m ships only. that said, I'm fine with unrequited crushes and such as long as we talk about it beforehnd.05.ㅤ| ㅤtriggers : on this blog will generally include blood, injury, and fantasty style medicine (yes that means leeches). I will tag things in the trigger tw format, and if you have anything specific you want tagging just let me know. For me please tag self harm, parental death, and any images of ants.06.ㅤ| ㅤtldr : ㅤjust don't be an asshole and we will get along fine. that means no homophobia, transphobia, racism, antisemitism, etc. mun is also a hardcore leftie. acab baby.


I will remember that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug.

name.ㅤ Ilbryn of clan Thindrostir
alias.ㅤ ㅤIbryn castonnamo. illy
age.ㅤ ㅤ123
gender.ㅤ ㅤcis male
sexuality. gay
species.ㅤ ㅤwood elf
eyes.ㅤ ㅤlight honey brown
hair.ㅤ ㅤdark brown, just below shoulder length
complexion.ㅤ ㅤpale, freckled
distinguishing features.ㅤ ㅤlarge pointed ears

residence.ㅤ ㅤnomadic
hometown.ㅤ ㅤWhitfell
occupation.ㅤ ㅤphysician, cleric
medical conditions.ㅤ ㅤn/a
parents.ㅤ ㅤalea blott (mother) Ruvyn Carcapolca (father) Samuel Blott (stepfather)
siblings.ㅤ ㅤava, elioise, kymil, tarron (half siblings)
languages.ㅤ ㅤcommon, elven, halfling, dwarven
class.ㅤ ㅤcleric, trickery domain

Deep in the wild woods of faerun, wood elf communities live, thrive, and war with one another amongst the trees. Clan Thindrostir was a particularly aggressive clan, their chief Vilterix ruled with a velvet gloved iron fist, and was usually either warring or scheming with the opposing clans. She and her husband, Ilvatar, eventually gave birth to two twin girls: Alea and Adanara. Of the two of them Adanara, though a softer hand than her mother, would eventually take over the clan. She was loyal, pragmatic, and willing to go along with her grandmother when needed. Her sister, Alea, was not.When Alea was just over 100 she had a romantic tryst with an elf by the name of Ruvyn of Clan Carcapolca, one of the clans that Vilterix had historically warred with. At the same time Vilterix was securing a political marriage for Alea with another clan. Things came to a head when Alea realised she was pregnant with Ruvyn’s child. Her mother all but outcast her, and Ruvyn, having no desire to be a father, cut all ties with Alea too. Friendless, alone, and pregnant, Alea left the deep woods to go and forge herself a new life in the small town of Whitfell.Not long later, Ilbryn was born. Despite the strained family circumstances he’d come from, Ilbryn was a happy child who loved his small village, and who loved his mother deeply. When Ilbryn was still a child his mother began dating a human farmer named Samuel Blott. Samuel was a good, kind man and treated Ilbryn as if he was his own son. The two eventually married, and not long after gave birth to Ilbryn’s first half sibling: Ava. From there the family began to grow, but money was tight. Ilbryn, now a teenager by elven standards, began looking for ways to help out. Samuel’s brother heard of an old physician in the town of Eastcliff who was looking for an errand boy. The pay wasn’t amazing, but it came with education and board. Sensing a way to aid his family’s financial problems and learn more about the world, Ilbryn set off for his new job.The physician, a human by the name of Lucian Hackett, was a grumpy and cantankerous old man, but he was fair and kept his word. Ilbryn was paid, he was housed, and he was given book learning far beyond any he’d be able to access on the farm. In return, Ilbryn ran messages, cleaned the house, did the shopping, and cooked the meals. Over time he and Lucian grew close, the old man developing a begrudging respect for the hard working young elf. When Ilbryn finally became an adult at 100, Lucian began to teach Ilbryn the art of medicine, officially taking him on as an apprentice.For a while, things were perfect. Then, one summer, Lucian went to visit his family for a few weeks, leaving Ilbryn in charge of the clinic. Not long after he’d left two heavily armed guards turned up saying they’d been sent by Countess Helena Mondragon. The countess’ daughter was ill and having been failed by several other physicians and even a cleric or two, the countess had been recommended to try Lucian. With his mentor away it fell to Ilbryn to attend the countess’ estate.As soon as he laid eyes on the young Beatrice Mondragon, Ilbryn knew there was nothing he could do for her. The nine year old was suffering from some kind of chronic and deadly lung condition far beyond his skill to treat-far beyond anyone’s skill, it seemed. Still, Ilbryn stayed at the estate and for five days he tended Beatrice’s symptoms, making her comfortable, making her laugh, and doing what he could to ease her suffering. On the sixth day, she died. Baroness’ Mondragon was enraged in her grief, blaming Ilbryn and accusing him of killing her daughter. She ordered her guards to arrest him and for a week Ilbryn was locked in a cold, dark cell, certain that he would be hanged for a murder he hadn’t committed. For better or worse, the Baroness’ husband was a paladin and a judge, and held Ilbryn’s trial under Zone of Truth, clearing Ilbryn of his murder charges.Now a free man, Ilbryn knew that the Countess would stop at nothing to see his career and reputation destroyed. Ilbryn would not put Lucian and his clinic through that, so he fled in the night, seeking refuge in a temple of Tymora, goddess of luck and good fortune. After spending some time there and becoming a cleric himself, Ilbryn set out into the world of adventuring, determined to leave his past behind him and put his skills to good use.


GENERAL D&D: ㅤ ㅤ DEFAULT VERSE. ㅤ ——— ㅤ Generic d&d verse. Following the death of a patient and a brief wrongful imprisonment, Ilbryn has taken to the road to try and figure out what to do next offering his magic and physicians skills to any who need it as he goes.BAULDERS GATE : ㅤ ㅤ BG3 AU. ㅤ ——— ㅤ After leaving the town of Eastcliff Ilbryn found his way to the Sword Coast where he moved to Baulders Gate. There he set up a clinic where he offered his healing magic and physical medicine to any in need. Old enemies stalked him from the shadows, but before they had a chance to grab him an Ilithid ship did it instead. Ilbryn now has an angry tadpole in his brain and is determined to get rid of it.Modern Fantasy: ㅤ ㅤ UNDER DEVELOPMENT. ㅤ ——— ㅤ quisque at mattis urna. suspendisse maximus justo vel imperdiet venenatis. mauris volutpat dui at metus finibus tristique. quisque quis ex nisi. integer vel auctor diam. aenean in commodo tortor. fusce placerat placerat sem, vel pharetra urna interdum vitae. sed blandit malesuada nulla tempus vestibulum.

mains & exclusives

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URLHERE ㅤ ㅤ .................................................................................... ㅤ CHARACTER NAME
ㅤㅤmain ㅤ ——— ㅤ put a description of the characters' relationship here.
URLHERE ㅤ ㅤ .................................................................................... ㅤ CHARACTER NAME
ㅤㅤmain ㅤ ——— ㅤ put a description of the characters' relationship here.
URLHERE ㅤ ㅤ .................................................................................... ㅤ CHARACTER NAME
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URLHERE ㅤ ㅤ .................................................................................... ㅤ CHARACTER NAME
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URLHERE ㅤ ㅤ .................................................................................... ㅤ CHARACTER NAME
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URLHERE ㅤ ㅤ .................................................................................... ㅤ CHARACTER NAME
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URLHERE ㅤ ㅤ .................................................................................... ㅤ CHARACTER NAME
ㅤㅤexclusive ㅤ ——— ㅤ put a description of the characters' relationship here.